Welcome to Panhandlecouples.com
A site dedicated to helping couples keep their love alive...
This site is created and maintained by Mark Anderson, a mental health therapist who specializes in couples therapy. It's purpose is to pass on helpful information to couples, in all stages of their relationship, on how to keep their love alive...

Seen Mark for therapy and want to pay online? Then "Donate" here:
You Should Know About Couple Relationships

1. Happy couples take time to keep their friendship alive.

2. Happy couples know about each other. This may include big life dreams, but also smaller details

such as daily happenings in their partner's life.

3. Sexual desire differences between the sexes is normal and natural.

4. Just because a couple fights doesn't mean they're unhappy. Instead, it's about how often they

5. In most relationships, women are more comfortable discussing areas of disagreement. Because

of this, women bring up conflict topics about 80 percent of the time.

6. Because women bring up conflict more often, the greatest skill they can learn is how to do it in a

non-offensive way (ie: not insulting their partner's personality, not calling them names, etc).

7. One of the greatest skills a man needs is how to accept the ideas and influence of his wife. A

less happy man dismisses her ideas more often than not.

8. Happy couples have up to 20 times more positive things happening in their relationship than

9. There is no correlation between if couples fight and if they will divorce. Instead, couples who

learn to "fix it and move on" after a disagreement are found to still have stable marriages.

10. Happy couples focus on the good, not the bad, happening in the relationship. This doesn't mean

they ignore problems that need to be fixed, but instead they tend to see the good more
While there's plenty of research on keeping love alive, learning it all
and understanding how to apply it in your busy life isn't always easy.
To make this process easier,
1) Visit this site often to read helpful articles and sign up for workshops
2) Read Mark's Keepin' Love Alive article each Sunday in the Star Herald
3) E-mail Mark about a customized presentation for your group
4) Schedule an appointment to meet with Mark one-on-one (for therapy or simply to learn more information)
5) Buy Mark's book (listed below)
Want a fun book to help keep love alive?
Happy couples do small things each week to keep their relationship strong. In this book, Mark takes over 40 years of research on what happy couples do and divides it into an easy-to-read weekly article, and provides a small activity to help couples apply the relationship-saving ideas.
The book is $19.95 and comes with an unlimited 100 % money back guarantee!
Click here to see a preview of the book, where you can read the first two weeks of Keepin' Love Alive for FREE
Weekly Wisdom
Weekly wisdom contains helpful tips, hints, quotes and advice on how to keep your love alive.
Weekly Wisdom Fact:
A happy marriage really is about teamwork, both in decision making
and in doing the chores. Remember it's a team, not a dictatorship
Weekly Wisdom Question:
What 3 accomplishments is partner most proud of ?
What does your partner miss most about being a kid?
Weekly Wisdom Quote:
"I am convinced that if we as a society work diligently in every other area of life and
neglect the family, it would be analogous to straightening deck chairs on the Titanic"