Workshops are a quick and easy way for couples to receive information on keeping their love alive. A total of 5 different workshops are available, and will share these common characteristics:
- Workshops last 2 hours and are held in Scottsbluff at the Harms Center at WNCC
- There is an emphasis on application, so the skills learned can be applied
- Workshops are held from 6:00-8:00pm on Thursday
- Each workshop is $15 / person, $25 / couple
- All workshops come with an unconditional 100 % money back guarantee
- No personal information or group activities are required. Skills are taught and couples receive a workbook and are encouraged to practice the skills in the privacy of their own home
Click for an article titled "What are workshops like?"
Keepin' Love Alive Series
The Keepin' Love Alive Workshop Series is a set of four workshops designed for happy couples interested in learning the skills to keep their relationship strong through all the stages of life. Great for couples no matter what stage they're in, these workshops can be taken individually or as a series.
1. 10 Habits of Happy Couples: With an emphasis on application, this research based introductory workshop teaches five friendship skills and five conflict regulation skills successful couples use to keep their love alive. This is the first workshop designed by Mark and has ranked an impressive 9.6 / 10 for overall quality from past participants.
TO BE HELD: October 4, 2018
To reserve a seat for this exciting workshop please :
Call the Harms Center at 635-6700
2. Communication 102: Using the latest research on how the brain processes emotion, this in-depth workshop teaches new skills for the age old art of communication and conflict management. This workshop will cover such topics as why it's hard to keep your cool during conflict (and what to do about it), how to find peace in a relationship even when you don't agree on everything, and the most important skill men and woman need to learn to dramatically improve their conflict discussions.

TO BE HELD: October 18, 2018

To reserve a seat for this exciting workshop please :
Call the Harms Center at 635-6700
3. Keepin' Love Alive: A strong friendship is at the base of a happy couple relationship. Come learn practical and fun tips on how to keep your friendship strong (and deepen your bond) in a busy
and demanding world.

To reserve a seat for this exciting workshop please :
Call the Harms Center at 635-6700
4. Becoming Super Couples: Already doing well on the topics taught in the previous three workshops, super couples take their relationship to the highest level of satisfaction by adding depth and increased purpose to their union. Come learn the tips and tricks the best of the best couples use to add such shared meaning and direction to an already happy relationship. 
To reserve a seat for this exciting workshop please :
Call the Harms Center at 635-6700
Bringing Baby Home Series
The Bringing Baby Home Workshop Series is based on research showing that nearly two-thirds of couples report a decrease in relationship satisfaction upon the addition of children. Designed for parents to take anytime from pregnancy through the toddler years, these workshops teach the skills the other third of couples use to keep their love alive during this often difficult transition. Workshops may be taken individually or in a series and are appropriate for first time parents and parents of many!
Being a certified Gottman educator, Mark is authorized to present this program on behalf of John Gottman, Ph.D., the creator of the program. CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO INFORMATION ON THIS PROGRAM.
To be notified by e-mail when these dates are released:
1. Transition Time: It doesn't take a workshop to figure out that kids change a couples relationship, but come learn what's normal and what's not. Also learn to recognize the common baby blues and dangerous postpartum depression, and their effects on the couple relationship and parenting. Finally, learn tips from the experts on how to adjust to the four most common (and potentially dangerous) changes brought about when baby comes home.
2. Remaining Friends: Parenting times can be rough on a couples friendship as sleep deprivation sets in, schedules get busier, and budgets often get strained---and that's just in the first week! But one of the greatest gifts parents can give their children is for mom and dad to maintain a strong friendship. Come learn tips on creating a culture of appreciation, the daily stress reducing conversation, the importance of touch, and how to express needs when balancing parenting, couple time, and individual time.
3. Where should baby sleep? Studies show that relationship conflict increases dramatically during the first year after baby arrives, and this can obviously have long term consequences. In this workshop, learn how to recognize the four warning signs of relationship meltdown and how to use the four steps of constructive problem solving as your family adjusts to having a little one at home.
4. Establishing a Legacy: In this final workshop, learn tips on taking your couple and parenting relationship beyond the often repetitive daily routine. Learn how to preserve sex and romance, the importance of fathers and how to keep them involved, how to establish shared meaning and the importance of honoring mothers and fathers.

How To Avoid Marrying A Jerk (or Jerkette) Series
Recent research has identified what qualities make it more likely an individual will be able to maintain a happy and long term relationship. Before entering into marriage, singles are invited to attend this series to learn how to avoid marrying a jerk (or jerkette). These workshops can be attended individually or in a series and are appropriate for singles from the teenage years up.
To be notified by e-mail when these dates are released:
1. From the Start: Learn how to identify the jerk(ette) that should be avoided in dating relationships. Also learn the characteristics of a safe relationship and how to differentiate between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Learn the three month rule and how to use the Relationship Attachment Model to form long lasting and happy relationships.
2. Before the Start: Long before individuals start dating, they develop characteristics that influence how they act in a relationship. Come learn the influence of family background for good and bad, and the influence of the conscience on attitudes and actions of a partner. Since no one comes from the perfect family, learn the necessary ingredients for changing unhealthy past family patterns. Finally, since history often repeats itself, learn how to explore a potential partners relationship patterns with others and how to recognize healthy communication and conflict management patterns.
3. On the Journey: Learn the interaction between trust and reliance, three common causes of unhealthy relationships, and eight characteristics of a trustworthy partner along with three principles to pace reliance on a partner. Finally, learn how to measure a partners commitment potential and about the emotional and physical bonding effects of sexual involvement and the risk of such too soon in a relationship.